Ranui Sermons

Hear the word of the lord

What is Your Shape? – Ephesians 2:10

Pastor Lloyd Ashworth
We come in all sizes and shapes! Today I want to speak to you about a topic that in my lifetime has become a life-changing insight for particularly my baby boomer generation. You see in the last 50 years there has been a change about who does ministry. Prior to this most of the ministry was done by the minister who we paid to do it. The best everyone else could do would be to serve in the kitchen, or on the end of a musical instrument, or welcome people at the door. But there was a major shift towards an empowered and gifted laity…. Who have discovered they are the ministers… they have been shaped for a purpose by God and the role of the paid professional turns from doing the ministry more towards encouragement, facilitation, and releasing of people into their ‘shape’. So, discovering your SHAPE and exercising your gifting is a major key to your spiritual growth.
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All ages 10.00am and 6:00pm 

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