Ranui Sermons

Hear the word of the lord

Praising God in the Valleys – Psalm 34

Pastor Lloyd Ashworth
You know the letter D gets a tough life in the alphabet. Devastation, Depression, Disillusionment, Disability, Denial, Despair, Distress, discouraged… The letter D would describe how many people feel about the last two years. We have come through a difficult time with Covid. And it’s taken its toll on many of us. This week I met with about fifty other Baptist pastors from churches all over Auckland. In talking with other pastors, many say this is the most difficult time in all their ministries. It has bought devastation to world economies that will be felt for generations to come. It has divided families and church communities and shown the disparity between those with wealth and those without. Right across our World this pandemic has left no one untouched. Over the past two years, many people have felt like they have been walking in the valleys. Today I want to speak about praising God in the valleys.
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All ages 10.00am and 6:00pm 

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