Ranui Sermons

Hear the word of the lord

Matthew’s Revelation of the Birth of Jesus – MATTHEW 1:17-21

Pastor Lloyd Ashworth
In my Bible, the Page between Old and New Testaments is a blank white page. But this blank page has a secret – its secret is that the blank is exactly what happened for 400 years – nothing! There was no message or Word from God. For five generations – the heavens were silent. No prophets, no message, nothing. The longest silence in the Bible record. The last recorded word from God was of a day coming when God would revisit this world and bring a restoring fire that would turn the hearts of children to fathers. Then silence reigned for 400 years. If you were living during those five generations…..you would surely have asked the question – where has God gone? Doesn’t he see what we are facing? Why are the heavens silent?
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All ages 10.00am and 6:00pm 

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