Ranui Sermons

Hear the word of the lord

John 17:9 – I am Praying for Them

Matt Hakiaha
Several weeks ago, at the commencement of our prayer month senior Pastor Grahame mentioned that his, “nerd personality or propensities draw him to analysing and collating data. From that data Pastor Grahame collated Jesus prayed 25 prayers which are outlined in the gospels”. I can relate to Pastor Grahame’s nerd propensities or personality because I also possess those nerd qualities. Allow me to digress. I will never forget in my first year as a senior student at High School I was appointed Student Head Librarian. My two older siblings disowned me and instructed that I do three things, one change my surname and never walk with them and never travel in the same bus. Of course, I never complied with any of their instructions. All this sibling disowner ship, because I was considered in their view a nerd unlike them, Prefects, sports captains, and senior academics.
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All ages 10.00am and 6:00pm 

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