Ranui Sermons

Hear the word of the lord

‘His Story’ 2 – Acts of the Apostles

Pastor Lloyd Ashworth
Today we look at the Book of Acts. In my opinion, it would more accurately called the Acts of the Holy Spirit in the world by the Church – by the community of believers. The rest of the NT from Gospels (Acts through to Jude) is well summed up by Larry Crabb’s quote. “God’s Clumsy People take Dance Lessons”. It tells the story of God’s people trying to learn how to dance with the Holy Spirit inside them to the tune of the Father. It’s the rollout of this gospel at a grassroots level. It’s messy, It's provocative, it's revolutionary! Here enters the major problem for today, most of us don’t want to dance. Some think they can step on other people’s toes, or do a dance that is way out of sync with everyone else's, thinking they are doing God’s work. But guess what, God is not put off by our problems with learning to dance. He will teach us and shape us in the process.
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