Ranui Sermons

Hear the word of the lord

“His Story’ 7 – Ephesians – What is the Church?

Pastor Lloyd Ashworth
Ephesus was the major city of Asia (minor), a seaport. In 2018 Judy and walked down the main street of what used to be the city of Ephesus. And what used to be a seaport is now inland by about 10 kms! The harbour has silted up – but what remains is a stunning and highly developed Roman-Greco society. It was to this Church Paul wrote – he is chained to a Roman guard in prison most likely in Rome. He might have looked something like this. There was a new movie out this Easter – “Paul, Apostle of Christ’ I recommend you see it online.
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All ages 10.00am and 6:00pm 

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