Ranui Sermons
Hear the word of the lord
Getting Back on Spiritual Track #4 – Holy Listening
Grahame Walker
Our love for others is learning to listen to them. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Did you know that research has shown why men and women have a tough time communicating with each other? It’s because men listen with only one side of their brains, while women listen with both sides of their brains, and all the women say Amen!
So, to get back on track and stay on track you’ve got to be able to listen when God speaks. That’s one of the big ideas in the Old Testament books of I and II Kings, which is what we’re traveling through in this series. God speaks through his Prophets. Prophets were God’s voice, his spokesperson. God used prophets to send his message to his people. It wasn’t the only way God communicated, but in this particular period of time, it was his primary way. Through prophets like Elijah, Elisha, and Isaiah. God would speak to these men, and they would, in turn, make God’s word known.