Ranui Sermons

Hear the word of the lord

Gifts of the Holy Spirit #3 – Tongues: Praying in the Spirit

Alan Telford
Jesus didn’t just come to forgive you of your sins. He came to transform your life. He said, “You must be born-again, born from above, born of the spirit”. It’s not your outward body that was born again, but your inward human spirit – born of incorruptible seed, in the very image of Christ. You are not born full grown already knowing everything, but as a new baby with the capacity to grow and be taught. The new birth requires a new teacher and a new way of being taught. The Holy Spirit is the new teacher. He could only visit the Old Testament saints and temporarily anoint them for a task or duty. But you are born again as family –He can permanently move in on the inside and lead and guide you into all truth, so you grow into the fullness of Jesus Christ.
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All ages 10.00am and 6:00pm 

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