Ranui Sermons

Hear the word of the lord

‘Heading to the Promised Land’ Numbers Series Exit Ramp 5 Sept 20th

Pastor Lloyd Ashworth
HEADING TO THE PROMISED LAND - EXIT RAMP 5 - Numbers 14 When I was a child, bringing home the school report was a rather sombre day, and I dreaded getting it home. It used to come in a brown envelope, and once or twice I managed to get the seal opened with steam to see how much trouble I was in! Most of the time – it said things like; "Lloyd could do better. Has not reached his full potential. Needs to try harder. Is easily distracted". One year I got a prize for being the Most improved pupil! Indeed, reports were not my favourite day of the term. So when I first read this story in the Bible about bad a report, it was all too familiar. They were going to be in trouble. And they were.
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